This new covered front porch shelters two entry doors of this multi unit apartment near the campus of Montana State University here in Bozeman, Montana. This covered front porch is both a functional and appealing upgrade to the front of this residence. The original look was just awkward. The new structure is a large inviting outdoor space with that encourages outdoor seating and significantly improves curb appeal. As in all my design projects, I use 3D modeling to develop my conceptual ideas. My client lives out of state and the modeling was critical in clearly communicating the design concepts I came up with. My typical MO is to model the overall project, as well as the structural design. I was a remodeling contractor for thirty years and I am well versed on the variations of putting a building project together. The modeling I do is well worth the effort as it clearly illustrates the structural design as defined in my working drawings, as well as effectively transmitting my ideas to the engineer, and ultimately the city building department. Jason Smith of Ozz Construction is the contractor for this project. Jason and I worked together to ensure that what I designed would come together efficiently as well as fit within our client’s budget. This type of teamwork in the planning and design process is a real benefit to all involved. This covered front porch is a big improvement to the neighborhood and our client is very pleased with our efforts. For more information on my design services and my methods of operation visit my website at

Author: Peter Brown
With decades of experience in construction, remodeling, and design, Peter Brown brings excellence of quality combined with practicality and elegance in designs. Peter is based in Bozeman, Montana and has done designs for remodels around the country.