The two major abilities that characterize the management of projects under my direction are  Focus, and a predisposition for Critical Thinking.

• Focus : the ability to concentrate: direct one’s attention on something with single-mindedness

The successful execution of any complex construction project is directly tied to how much attention, time and energy you dedicate to it. Communicating specific, realistic, and time bound expectations to people involved in a project is of prime importance. I believe that the capacity of an employee or sub contractor to be fully engaged in the day-to-day operations of a project is significantly improved by setting daily and weekly objectives. A standard item centrally located on all of my job sites is a large dry erase or chalk board. Daily and weekly goals are posted on this board, as well as any and all items deemed important enough not to forget. If it’s worth mentioning, then it’s worth writing down.

• Critical thinking : the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information, gathered or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, and/or communication as a guide to belief or action.

In this business an intelligent and well thought out decision-making process is paramount. Avoiding the trap door that heads you to a bad decision is crucial. A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of all trades associated with a project coupled with many years of experience has given me the insight to ask the questions: “Why? Or “What if?” Experience has taught me to listen, not to always be the answer guy. The ability to engage people, solicit professional opinion, and rationally evaluate information are the qualities of leadership represented in successfully executed projects.

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